Backpack - Enchanted Valley


Backpack - Enchanted Valley

Waterfalls, bears and a hike along a river! We will spend both nights at Enchanted Valley and have a leisure day on the 2nd day exploring the area. This trips requires two 14 mile hike days with full packs. *Priority will be given to B3 2023 students during the first registration week. This is a mentored trip for Alina Kremnova.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 26.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,800 ft

Graves Creek Trailhead at approximately 8:00. Exact meeting time and details will be communicated over email a week prior to the trip.

Requests to join prior to the open registration date will be ignored.

*Priority will be given to B3 2023 students the first week of open registration.

When you reach out to get added to the roster, please share links to similar  recent Mountaineers trips you have done; or tell me a little bit of similarly (or more so) strenuous hikes you have done recently.

Things to consider

  • The route starts and ends on the west side of the Olympic Peninsula.  Depending on where you are coming from, the drive to the trailhead could take 4 hours and involve a ferry trip.  Please take this into consideration when signing up and planning to leave.  You may consider staying near the trailhead at Graves Creek Campground the night before.
  • We are required to carry bear canisters.  
  • I anticipate the first and last days to be 8-hour trail days; considering  water crossings, picture taking and lunch.
  • We'll hike to Enchanted Valley in a single push (~14 miles), and camp there both nights. We'll rest and explore the valley on day 2.
  • This time of the year bear sightings are very common in the valley as the mountains are still snow covered and the valley is a good food source. You have to be comfortable with the possibility of seeing these beautiful and mighty creatures.
  • There is a narrow bridge crossing with a single handrail that sits high above a creek, and can be uncomfortable for some people. 


  • Participants will be asked to reimburse the leader $16 per person for the cost  of the backcountry permits via Venmo.
  • The trailhead is inside Olympic National Park.  You'll need to pay the entrance fee or have a National Park Pass or similar.

Enchanted Valley

  • Green Trails Mt Christie No. 166

    Green Trails Mt Steel No. 167

    Trails Illustrated Olympic National Park

    Custom Correct Quinault-Colonel Bob

    Custom Correct Enchanted Valley - Skokomish

    Custom Correct Brothers - Mt Anderson
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

  • Tent with footprint/ground tarp
  • Stove and fuel
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Water filter
  • Bear canister
  • Cooking pot/pan with plate and utensils
  • Toilet paper and shovel or blue bag to deal with waste
Trip Reports