Backpack - Lily Basin, Snowgrass Flat, Cispus Basin & Elk Pass


Backpack - Lily Basin, Snowgrass Flat, Cispus Basin & Elk Pass

ALUMNI BACKPACK (4 days/3 nights): Rerouted trip from Boiling Lake/Chelan Sawtooth area to Cispus Basin, Lily Basin and Jordan Basin via PCT and Goat Lake due to wildfire (Pioneer Fire). What remains the same: explore stunning high alpine meadows in wildflower bloom with side trip options.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 25.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 6,800 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 7,500 ft
  • Pace: 2 mph

Berry Patch TH  near Randle on Wed, July 24 at 10:30 am (anticipate a short trailhead briefing and aim to be hiking by 11 am)

Driving directions  From Seattle:  Approximately 3hr15min  hrs drive via I-90, 405S, Hwy 12 (Packwood). Overall good road.    Google Map Directions

NW Forest Pass required

See  trip sheet for more details (for rerouted trip)
  • Trip participants should be comfortable with multiday backpacking trips, maintain physical fitness to hike on 4 successive days with total mileage of approximately 30 miles/6000-7000 ft ascent and descent, ability to pack for a range of higher elevation conditions while managing pack weight to allow for an approximate 2 mph pace. 
  • This is a group trip and I expect participants to stay together on the trail, actively engage with each other and support each other on the trail.  I will aim to lead in a collaborative style keeping both group and individual physical and emotional safety in mind, but I will also be prepared to make a final decision should issues arise.
  • Gear notes
- No reliable bear hangs in this high alpine area for a larger group.  Bear canister or Ursack + Opsak/similar odor proof bag is required
- This area can be buggy so be prepared. I recommend picaridin or DEET spray, consider pre-spraying your clothing/gear with permethrin spray and bring a headnet.
*See packing list in Required Equipment tab.
- My goal is to create a safe and successful trip with compatible group members. I will use information in the pre-trip questionnaire to assess relevant backpacking experience and goals.
- May request leader permission and complete the questionnaire at any time and I will notify successful applicants 2 weeks prior to registration opening. 
 - As noted previously, this is a Alumni Backpack for B3 and Tacoma Intro Backpacking course graduates so if you are not a graduate of these courses and I have given you leader permission, please do not register until 3 weeks after registration opens (5/6/2024). 
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have questions.

Lily Basin, Snowgrass Flat, Cispus Basin & Elk Pass

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

Please individualize to fit your own style and predicted weather but please keep LNT principles as well as individual and group safety and comfort in mind.

Packing List (Gear) 
Backpack + whistle
Sleeping bag/quilt + pad
Tent or bivvy
Water bottle(s)/bladder 2 liters
Water purification/filter
Sun protection (sunglasses, sunscreen, hat)
Hiking pole(s) 
*Even if you don’t typically hike with a pole, on a longer trip having at least one pole is good practice for managing unforeseen injury
Bug protection (picaridin or DEET spray, headnet, consider prespraying your gear/clothing with permethrin)
Pocket knife or multitool
First aid kit  
*Everyone's personal first aid kit should include personal meds, a small ACE type wrap, Tylenol + ibuprofen for small injuries, band aids, blister management (Moleskin/tape for hot spots  or my preferred is a hydrocolloid such as Band-Aid Hydroseal for open sores). Trip leader will have a more substantial First Aid kit.
Personal hygiene (TP/Kula cloth, wipes, toothbrush/paste, spade, bag to carry out paper waste,  gender specific items)
Gaia or CalTopo app on phone with downloaded maps of area 
*All with cell phones should have a navigation app on their phone, trip leader will also have a paper map.
Cell phone/camera/battery pack (optional)
Reading material/cards/games (optional)
Sit pad (optional)
Packing List (Food)
 Ursack + Opsak or bear canister required
*No reliable bear hang in all camps
 Breakfast x 3 days
 Lunch/snacks x 4 days
❑ Dinner x 3 nights
 Electrolyte powder (optional)
Packing List (Clothing)  
Hiking boots or hiking shoes
Camp shoes/water shoes (optional)
Hiking socks (wool or synthetic)
Hiking Gaiters (optional)
Short or long sleeve shirt
Long sleeve sun protection shirt
Hiking pants 
Rain protection 
Puffy layer (Down or synthetic) + midlayer
Long underwear or base layer (which can also be a sleeping layer)
Hat if no hood on warm layer
Trip Reports