Placeholder Routes & Places


Backcountry Ski/Snowboard - Radio Mountain

Overflow trip for Jan 9th trip waitlist folks Introductory backcountry tour -- includes beacon search practice session.

  • Moderate, M1 Intremediate Ski
  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • Mileage: 7.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,900 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 4,400 ft

This trip is a duplicate of the Jan 9th trip to Radio Mtn  to accomidate the folks on the waitlist  for that trip

8:15AM Silver Fir base area plaza.
Coordinates: 47.40096, -121.40752 

I revised the meeting time and place because of chaos observed during holiday week in the Hyak parking lot.   Masses of cars were attempting to crowd into the area,, parking illegally, getting ticketed and towed, etc.    Much of the chaos was the result of people that had heard through Social Media that Hyak was a place to take the kiddos sledding.   So I'm using the Silver Fir lot instead and revising the meeting time to 8:15AM  to be well ahead of the lift skier line up for the Silver Fir chair opening.  

Note the Silver Fir lodge has restrooms, but they might not be open. However the "Traveler Rest" on HWY-906 between Exit 52 and Exit 53 is easily visited.   


Olallie/Radio Mountain

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Boots, skis/splitboard, poles (snowshoes not acceptable for uphill travel)
  • Climbing skins
  • Avalanche shovel (metal blade)
  • Avalanche beacon (three antenna digital beacon -- no analog beacons)
  • Avalanche probe
  • Sufficient additional clothing to take an extended lunch break (30 minutes) without discomfort from the cold.
  • COVID-19 face covering
Trip Reports