Backcountry Ski/Snowboard - Interglacier


Backcountry Ski/Snowboard - Interglacier

Ski trip to tag Steamboat Prow and Ruth plus ski some lines that look good in the area. AIARE1, glacier travel, and alpine skills (climbing or scrambling) required.

  • M3G Expert Glacier Ski
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 12.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 5,600 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 9,720 ft
  • Pace: 1200 ft/hr

White River Campground, 7AM (or potentially earlier to beat the heat and timed entry permits); date dependent on road opening.

We will hike/skin from the White River Campground to Glacier Basin and then skin up to Steamboat Prow with a likely side trip to Mt Ruth and potentially some bonus ski lines in the area.  We will travel on the Inter Glacier, which is normally tame and covered this time of year, but we'll still bring rescue gear and ropes.  (We do not expect to travel roped.)

We will travel at a reasonably brisk pace.

When requesting leader's permission, describe your backcountry ski experience and fitness.



Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Boots, skis/snowboard, poles, skins.
  • Ski crampons, boot crampons, ice axe (for the traverse to the summit of Mt Ruth).
  • Avalanche shovel (metal blade), beacon (3 antenna), probe.
  • Harness, self-extraction kit.  (Leaders will bring lightweight ropes.)
Trip Reports