West Granite


Alpine Scramble - West Granite

late-season scramble in mixed conditions

  • Easy
  • Mileage: 10.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,300 ft
  • Pace: Moderate

All details are being discussed via email.

All details will be discussed via email, but here are a couple high level points to set expectations:

  • The goal of this trip is not to specifically summit any particular peak, but to get out on Sunday, Nov 5, and have fun winter scrambling on this particular day. As such, getting out is the primary goal, and the specific choice of the route is secondary. We will adjust the route based on what's doable on the planned day (this Sunday). If you are looking specifically to summit the posted route in the most favorable conditions, then this trip is likely not ideal. Conditions on this route (or pretty much any other route) will be much better later in the season, once there is more snow, and it has had the chance to consolidate somewhat.

  • Conditions this time of the year are generally quite challenging. November is usually the time to do conditioner hikes, sign up for rope clinics in the clubhouse, attend leadership conferences, etc. Some of us, yours truly included, still prefer to try and get out, expecting conditions to be more difficult, wet, windy, mixed, etc. This is just a part of the game this time of the year. Please do expect some level of challenge or discomfort on this trip.

  • This weekend is looking to be particularly miserable, and more difficult than the last one. Expect rain much of the day. The current location and route was chosen to optimize for best weather given the forecast (which is variable and will continue to evolve).

  • Please expect to be scrambling on some wet ground, rock,  uncolidated and thin snow, possibly with some wind and rain in the mix. If it is too miserable, we won't go, but if there's a way to get out and have some type 1.5 fun, we'll give it a try.

West Granite

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

All details are being discussed via email.

Trip Reports