
Alpine Scramble - Vesper Peak

Hike to Vesper Lake and then scramble Vesper Peak. If the group is fast and confident enough we'll tag vesper along the way out

  • Technical 3, Strenuous 3
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 8.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,000 ft

Ashway Park and Ride 6.30 AM and TH at 8.15 AM. Start hiking 8.30AM

Medium to Fast paced scramble. Will need ice axes, crampons / microspikes. (No Yak tracks).

This would be a scouting trip for me about the Sperry - Vesper loop. If we have a good weather, we can do a skinny dip in the Vesper Lake.

No helmets = No scramble. 



Vesper Peak

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports