Mount Daniel


Alpine Scramble - Lynch Peak

This scramble in the heart of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness has a fantastic close-up view of the north side of Mt. Daniel.

  • Strenuous 5, Technical 4
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 16.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,500 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 7,280 ft
  • Pace: Moderate

The plan is to hike to the vicinity of Peggy's Pond and camp there; be prepared to camp on snow.  Then on the 2nd day, we will work our way over to the east end of Pea Soup Lake and climb Lynch from there.  Then we'll reverse our route to camp, pack up and hike out.  Note that much of the traverse from camp to the lake will be on a north facing snow slope where we are likely to need crampons.

If the weather forecast appears to be much better on the first day than the second, we will get a much earlier start the first day so that we can climb the summit that day after setting up camp.  If the forecast is poor for both days, I'll try to find an alternative destination with better weather.

We will meet at the Deep Lake TH near the end of the Cle Elum River Road at a time TBD.


Mount Daniel

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports