Guye Peak, Snoqualmie Mountain & Cave Ridge (PCT)


Alpine Scramble - Guye Peak/East Route

This is a short but steep and challenging (but super awesome and fun) T5 rock scramble only an hour's drive from Seattle, with a relatively late start, early finish, and trail/way-trail descent.

  • Sat, Jul 9, 2016
  • Seattle Alpine Scrambling
  • Scrambling
  • Singles, 20-30 Somethings, Adults
  • Strenuous 3, Technical 5
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,200 ft

This scramble is a close-in accessible delight for those with reasonable comfort with steep scramble rock.  If participants have not successfully completed a previous T5 rock scramble (Volcanic Neck, Del Campo, Natches, or equivalent), then you need to have some reason to know that you are indeed comfortable with moderately (and occasionally seriously) exposed scramble rock.  If in ANY doubt, please call or email the leader: Steve Russell, 206. 632. 3266,, BEFORE signing up.

While this is not a strenuous scramble overall, the forest and rock ascent sections are both unremittingly steep: you need to be in at least moderate to good condition.

The above is not meant to scare anyone off: this scramble is a total blast, but only if you are going to be comfortable with it...!

If any significant rain crops up late in the forecast, this scramble will be cancelled; there is no backup plan.  

We will meet at 9 am at the Commonwealth Basin/PCT trailhead at Snoqualmie Pass (Exit 52, trn left/north at end of freeway exit, go under the freeway, proceed north 0.3 miles and turn right into TH parking, use lower lot (elev. 3020); NOTE: this is NOT the Alpental/Snow Lake TH parking further up the Alpental road).  Forest Park Pass needed for each vehicle.  Nine is the on-trail time; please arrive roughly a quarter hour earlier to boot up, go through introductions, etc.


Guye Peak, Snoqualmie Mountain & Cave Ridge (PCT)

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Helmet - Absolutely Essential!
  • Mountaineering Boots - do not bring approach shoes or rock slippers
  • Ice Axe - May be needed if alternative scramble is done; bring to T'H
  • Downclimbing kit (locking biner, climbing harness (or equivalent diaper or hasty harness constructed from sling material), and cord loop for attaching biner to harness with prusik or klemheist knot)
Trip Reports