Intermediate - Managing 3rd and 4th Class Terrain

Lecture: Intermediate Rock Module

Intermediate - Managing 3rd and 4th Class Terrain - Mountaineers Tacoma Program Center

This clinic is designed for rope and climb leaders who may occasionally need to use a rope or hand line on 3rd and 4th class rock, steep snow, ice, scree or heather.

  • Easy

Sections of third and fourth class rock are common in alpine climbing, particularly on approaches and descents. These parts of a climb can be some of the most aggravating and risky sections of a route. While the rock sections on basic glacier and alpine climbing trips, and on many intermediate mountaineering trips, only infrequently require the use of a rope or hand-line, when one is required the leader needs to know how to quickly and safely deploy the rope. This clinic is designed for rope and climb leaders who may occasionally need to use a rope or hand line on 3rd and 4th class rock, steep snow, ice, scree or heather. 

Clubhouse 8am


Mountaineers Tacoma Program Center

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  1. Harness
  2. Large HMS locking carabiner, aka a pearabiner plus several smaller locking carabiners,   
  3. Black Diamond Guide or Petzl Reverso, and blocking carabiner
  4. Autoblock
  5. Several double length runners (48"), each with two snap-link carabiners
  6. Cordelette
  7. 2 single length runners (24"), each with two snap-link carabiners
Trip Reports