Introduction to Surf Ski


Introduction to Surf Ski - Sammamish River

This clinic will introduce paddlers to the fun sport of Surf Ski

  • Sea Kayak I/II, Class I River
  • Easy

The class will be offered thanks for the generous partnership with the Kenmore Waterfront Activities Center ( They have 5 Nelo 510 plastic Surf Ski which are stable yet allow for the same fun as a faster ski. 

The class will meet at the Tl’ awh-ah-dees Park (Formerly Squires Landing),  7515 NE 175th Street, Kenmore, WA 98028.  where the boats are stored. The club has beginner wing paddles as well as Nelo race PFD's (you are welcome to use your own PFD if desired).

There are 2 classes the intent is that folks only attend 1 clinic. If the 2nd clinic does not fill then attendees to the other then attendees may sign up by contacting me.

5.45pm meet at  ƛ̕ax̌ʷadis (Tl' awh-ah-dees) Park | City Parks & Trails | City of Kenmore Washington

Activity will start at 6pm, we should be off water by 8.30.

We will meet in the gravel lot by the 3 bay garage and kayak storage area on the West side of the park.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Clothing which allows for good upper body movement and incidental swims in summer Lake Washington. A rash guard would be an example. For lower body shorts/tights which allow for hip rotation. 

Trip Reports