On-Trail Navigation Field Trip

Field trip: On-Trail Navigation

On-Trail Navigation Field Trip - Carkeek Park

A half-day field trip to a nearby location for hands-on practice.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 4.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 500 ft

Participants should complete Module 1 (videos, reading, auto-scored quiz) and Module 2 (evening seminar creating Hike and Urban Walk digital maps plus map/compass work).

The field trip has two, linked sections:

>>Student/instructors navigate urban streets to and from the Carkeek trailhead starting at Whitman MS -- about 2 miles RT.

>>Student/instructors navigate a loop route into and through Carkeek Park working a dozen on-trail navigation scenarios to become fluent with tool use (map, altimeter, compass, gps and watch plus emergency communication devices.)

Time: 7:00 am for a 7:15 departure

Place: Whitman Middle School, 9201 15th Ave NW, Seattle; South Parking lot 

Dress warmly for the weather because the level of physical activity is not enough to keep you as warm as a regular mountain hike would. If the temperature is likely to be in the 20s or below, field trip will be rescheduled.


students will earn:

instructors will earn:

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Day Pack with urban oriented 10 Essentials

Paper map (full color) of area (GPX link provided in Student Reminder Letter but copy provided at Field Trip)

GaiaGPS SmartPhone app loaded with tracks, waypoints (GPX links provided in Student Reminder Letter)

Declination adjustable, baseplate compass with lanyard and declination set to 15 degrees east

Emergency whistle

Trip Reports