Naturalist Leader Training Clinic - Stillwater Natural Area
This training clinic is for leaders, co-leaders, and assistant leaders for the Introduction to the Natural World Course or leaders who want more training around leading bird-oriented field trips. You must be committed to leading or helping lead a field trip. We will discuss and practice leading a field trip for the class, talking about how to help students develop their birding skills, use bird books and the Merlin App to identify birds by sight and sound. We will look for some common birds along the trail and practice our skills. 1. Identification 2. Practice helping students see something in a tree, bush, or marsh 3. Talking about size and shape, color patterns, habitat, distribution, and sounds 4. Practice using Merlin Bird app
- Sun, May 4, 2025
- Seattle Naturalists Committee
- Naturalist
- Adults
- Easy
- Easy
- Mileage: 4.0 mi
- 1 (10 capacity)
- FULL (2 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
This will be about leading a birding trip for the Introduction to the Natural World Course or regular birding trips for the Naturalist. I will discuss my philosophy of leading trips and some of the differences you might consider between leading a course field trip and a regular field trip.
There are no restrooms in the parking area, and it is a walk before we find a place where someone can sneak off the trail for a party separation. Find a restroom coming through Duval or Carnation before you arrive.
Meet at 7:30 AM at Stillwater Wildlife Area. We will meet at the one that is a quarter-mile west of the Stillwater store.
We will spend three to four hours walking and looking for birds. The clinic will be about leading a birding trip for the Introduction to the Natural World Course or a regular field trip. We will discuss how you might handle those in different ways. We hope you have a Naturalist Leadership badge, or are working toward getting one, or are committed to starting the process of becoming a leader.
Required Equipment
Bring binoculars, the Merlin Bird app on your smartphone
The ten essentials