Lecture 1 - Seattle Naturalists Intro Natural World Course - Online Classroom

Lecture: Introduction to the Natural World Course

Lecture 1 - Seattle Naturalists Intro Natural World Course - Online Classroom

Topics: Abiotic gradients; Trees; Flowering Plants

  • Casual

Zoom session will be from 7:00 -8:30 PM. Links will be in Google Classroom. Please sign in to the waiting room a few minutes early. Lecture will start exactly at 7:00PM. 

Lecture topics will be:

  • Abiotic Gradients
  • Trees
  • Flowering Plants and Shrubs

In addition to the lecture, an assignment to view a 60 minute recorded video by Joe Rocchio covering Overview of 9  ECOsystems in Washington, with completion of worksheet and quiz, is required.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

smartphone with apps downloaded

Trip Reports