Lecture - Geology in your own backyard

Lecture: Geology In Your Own Backyard

Lecture - Geology in your own backyard - Olympia Friends Meeting House

Learn about the geology of your own backyard with geologist Lara Linde. From the sparkling waters of the Pacific Ocean to the majestic peaks of the Cascade Range, Lara will lead you through the geology of our state. This talk will include some basics of geology, the dominant geological processes at work, and some locations where you can hike to see amazing geologic displays in nature. Lara will also have a hands on display of common rock types that can be found in our area.

  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)

6pm-8pm at the Olympia Friends Meeting House. 3201 Boston Harbor Rd Olympia

Lara is a licensed geologist and works for a geotechnical engineering and environmental consulting firm in Tacoma.  She has 15 years of experience and spent several years in the field observing and recording local soils and rocks.


Olympia Friends Meeting House

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Required Equipment


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