Scramble Leader Scenarios Workshop


Scramble Leader Scenarios Workshop - Online Classroom

This small-group online workshop provides aspiring scramble leader candidates with real-life scenarios to discuss and problem-solve. Priority to Foothills candidates. Rising leaders from other branches may request Leader Permission.

  • Casual

This small-group, evening, online workshop will be an opportunity for aspiring scramble leaders to discuss and problem-solve some real-life scramble scenarios. The goal is to get candidates thinking about difficult, complex situations that might arise and to find ways to effectively mitigate or deal with them confidently.

If requesting Leader Permission or coming from a branch other than Foothills, please let me know why you want to attend this seminar, if Scenarios is required by your branch, and where you are in your branch’s application process. Seminar is not currently open to active leaders.

7-9 pm on Zoom. Email and list of scenarios and zoom link to come a week in advance.


Required Equipment

Required Equipment


Trip Reports