March GoHike  Pacing Hikes: 2 to 4 miles, 0 to 750 feet of elevation gain

Field trip: GoHike: Beginner Hiking Course

March GoHike Pacing Hikes: 2 to 4 miles, 0 to 750 feet of elevation gain - Twin Falls (Olallie State Park)

We'll hike through the woods along the river to the bridge to view the fall and then on to the viewpoint for the upper falls. The falls should be spectacular with spring runoff.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 3.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 500 ft
  • Pace: 1.5 - 2 mph

We'll go slowly on the uphill portions and stop at the top to allow everyone to catch their breath.

My Goals:  Have fun hiking this beautiful trail.  Hear lots of cheerful chatter.  Have everyone feel great about completing the hike.

My Expectations: Hikers are at the trailhead, ready to hike, at the meeting time.  All are prepared to hike whatever the weather.  Photographers/naturalists keep up with the group. Group stays together and supports one another.

My Style:  Hike at a pace comfortable for all.  Invite curiosity and commentary from fellow hikers.

Meet at the Twin Falls lower trailhead at 8:00am.


Twin Falls (Olallie State Park)

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

You will receive a Hello Hiker email from your trip leader prior to your selected hike that will provide you with details for the hike that you selected.

No special equipment required, but bring poles if you have them.  Trail may be muddy in places.

Trip Reports