March GoHike  Pacing Hikes: 2 to 4 miles, 0 to 750 feet of elevation gain

Field trip: GoHike: Beginner Hiking Course

March GoHike Pacing Hikes: 2 to 4 miles, 0 to 750 feet of elevation gain - Oxbow Lake Loop

Enjoy lake and mountain views as you take a few spins around this easy loop trail. This hike will help you determine where you are in terms of gear, the pace (1.5 - 2 mph) and distance you can complete comfortably.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 3.1 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 183 ft
  • Pace: 1.5 - 2 mph

A Discovery Pass is required for parking at the trail head.

Meet at the Oxbow Loop Trailhead at 10:00 am.  Those who would like to join an optional dynamic yoga warm-up should be there by 9:45 am.

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

You will receive a Hello Hiker email from your trip leader prior to your selected hike that will provide you with details for the hike that you selected.

Trip Reports