March GoHike  Pacing Hikes: 2 to 4 miles, 0 to 750 feet of elevation gain - Lord Hill Regional Park

Field trip: GoHike: Beginner Hiking Course

March GoHike Pacing Hikes: 2 to 4 miles, 0 to 750 feet of elevation gain - Lord Hill Regional Park

This hike is intended to help you and the GoHike team determine what pace and challenge level you want to start with in the series. We will offer a 2 mile loop and a 3 mile loop for participants to choose from.

  • Easy
  • Casual
  • Mileage: 3.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 200 ft
  • Pace: 1-1.5 mph


This section will describe the route, planned pace, and required gear and preparation for the hike.


Lord Hill Regional Park

Required Equipment

Required Equipment


Trip Reports