Off-Trail Backpacking - Field Trip

Field trip: Off-Trail Backpacking

Off-Trail Backpacking - Field Trip - Frenchman Coulee

To complete the course, participants must complete the lecture and one of the two available field trips. Two field trips will be offered in April following the lecture. Both of these trips include easy to moderately difficult off-trail travel in open sagebrush, sand dunes and/or rocky terrain. See the trip postings for more details. If these field trip dates cannot work for you, the trips are full or end up being cancelled due to foul weather, etc., participants can substitute participation in any other Mountaineers backpack trip that include off-trail travel of at least a mile or more. The course leader will be offering several other trips in 2025 with off-trail travel sections that will be open to all Mountaineers that qualify. Some other Mountaineers leaders also offer this type of trip. **************************************************************************************************************** Frenchman Coulee Field Trip: This is an action-packed trip, starting at the famous climbing area and looping down to the Columbia River then around several coulee formations, sand dunes and and a waterfall. We will camp two nights on the river exploring sand dunes, basalt formations and wildflowers. Expect extensive off-trail travel of varied types. This trip is moderate to challenging in difficulty.

  • Moderate
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 20.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,000 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 1,000 ft
  • Pace: 1.5 MPH up, 2.25 MPH down

I have done this trip before and it is a real hoot. On day 1 and 3 we will travel with full packs.  On day 1 will  also drop our pack for a bit and do a fun loop to watch the rock climbers, practice scree travel and do a rock slot.  We will camp both nights at lovely beach on the Columbia River (our water source). We will have fires there.  On the middle day we will bring a light day pack and explore the many benches and trails along the Columbia River and the climb-up a canyon with sand dunes to the top bench by I-90.  We may need to use our hands a bit here.  Much of the travel will off-trail, particularly on day one.  We will practice some route finding. We will travel of-trail on a great variety of terrains, including: open grass/sagebrush, washes, slots, sand dunes, canyon drainages, small scree slopes and a descending rocky ridgeline.  There is no dangerous exposure or overly tricky spots.  I would label it all moderate and a safe place to practice, learn skills and overcome fears of leaving "the trail".  

There are several places with sand dunes and sand slopes.  We may attempt optional sand sledding on day 2 if conditions seem favorable. You will need to bring a piece of stiff cardboard for this.   An Ursack or Bear Canister is recommended to store your food.  There are a few trees at the camping area where you could throw a line.   Two trekking poles, though, are required equipment. 

Here is the proposed route:

Meet at  11 AM at the first parking pull-through loop on your left as you enter the Frenchman Coulee (off of Vantage Road SW).  Discover Pass Required


From Ellensburg, drive east on I-90 to exit 143, Silica Road and The Gorge Amphitheater. At the bottom of the ramp, go left under the freeway for 0.7 mile. Turn left on Vantage Road SW. A Discover Pass is required beyond this point. Travel 0.7 miles to parking loop on your left across the road from the informal camping area you will see on your right. You should see the falls across the gorge.  There are no amenities.


Discover Pass

Vantage (Frenchman Coulee)

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

To be shared later

Two trekking poles required

Optional cardboard for sand sledding

Trip Reports