January Winter Conditioning Runs: 5-7 miles

Field trip: Winter Trail Running Conditioning Series

January Winter Conditioning Runs: 5-7 miles - Bridle Trails State Park

Winter Trail Running Conditioning Course runs from 5-7 miles. You will need to complete 2 course runs per month over Dec, Jan and Feb to graduate.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 5.8 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 430 ft
  • Pace: 4-5 mph / 12-15 mpm

This is a casual run through Bridle Trails, the trails should be bouncy and flowy, covering ~5.6 miles and ~406 feet of elevation gain. The plan is to run an average pace of 4-5 mph / 12-15 minute miles, we will be regrouping at trail junctions as it's unlikely for us all to go precisely the same pace.

Link to GAIA route 

Link to Strava route

Meet at 6 PM. The gate to the parking lot will more than likely be closed. *** Please park on east side of 116th, just south of the park entrance here > https://maps.app.goo.gl/F9eYRWN7QKMMcDU79. We will meet off the street by the park entrance. Following introductions, description of route and current trail conditions, plan to start running by 6:10 pm. No parking pass required, since parking on street. There is a restroom at the trailhead though it may be locked since it will be after hours.


Bridle Trails State Park

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Please wear layers of breathable, technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities for this course's activities.

  • A headlamp with spare batteries or a handheld light is required (flashlights from cell phones or watches are not sufficient)
  • Waterproof jacket, hat, buff, gloves, sunglasses; running-specific gaiters recommended
  • Warm mid-weight layer (e.g. down vest or wool long sleeve)
  • Trail running shoes
  • A small day pack suitable for trail running
  • Bring snacks and water
  • Trail running-adapted ten essentials
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