Intro to Trail Running: Backcountry Field Trip - #1

Field trip: Introduction to Trail Running: Backcountry

Intro to Trail Running: Backcountry Field Trip - #1 - Little Si

Introduction to fundamental skills.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 3.8 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,300 ft

A field trip to a designated location off I-90 to introduce fundamental skills used while backcountry trail running.

Time: 7:30 AM
Place: Little Si Trailhead
Link to parking here:

Discover Pass required to park here.

There is a vault toilet at this trailhead.


Little Si

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • Trail running shoes
  • Lightweight waterproof jacket
  • Running specific hydration vest or pack, 8 to 15  liters in size
  • Headlamp, waist light, or handheld light with a light beam suitable for running  at night  
  • Trail running-adapted ten essential

Please wear layers of breathable, technical clothing suitable for outdoor aerobic activities for this course's outdoor activities.

Trip Reports