Basic Sea Kayaking Lecture

Lecture: Basic Sea Kayaking Course

Basic Sea Kayaking Lecture - Online Classroom

On-line virtual lecture for 2025 Everett Sea Kayak Basic Course Students

  • Easy

Topics will expand on the On-Line Learning Modules, review homework assignments, and answer general questions from students regarding the On-Line Learning modules.

Please make sure you join from a location where you will be able to actively participate in the call. We will ask students to summarize main points of various modules as well as discuss any areas folks are struggling with on the homework assignments

This will be a virtual meeting over Zoom.  6PM-8PM is the planned time frame.  It may be shorter.   Zoom link will be sent to all participants several days before the session and posted here: 

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

You will need a computer/tablet with camera and audio as well as an internet connection. Use of video is encouraged but not required.

Trip Reports