Social Ski

Field trip: Nordic (CrossCountry) Ski Course

Social Ski - Cabin Creek

This will be a social ski from 9:00 till Noon. Afterwards we will celebrate everyonen and award certificates for those who have met graduation requirements by then.

  • G-XC 3 Intermediate Groomed, G-XC 1 Beginner Groomed, G-XC 2 Advanced Beginner Groomed
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 8.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 200 ft

The social ski will be about having a fun day out skiing. You will make groups based on what type of skiing you want to do for the day. 

However, we will use this date as a make up field trip day if a previous field trip needs to be canceled. 



Cabin Creek

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

You will need...

  • Cross country skis, boots, poles
  • 10 essentials (include extra gloves)
  • Great attitude
  • Trail pass (bring money for) or Snopark permit (can be purchased on line)
Trip Reports