Equity & Inclusion

What's in a Name? Why We Use Equity & Inclusion (E&I)
Words matter. SuJ'n Chon, a founding member of our Equity & Inclusion Committee, describes how the committee landed on those words - Equity & Inclusion - to describe our work at The Mountaineers.

30 Ice Climbs for Equity
As a Mexican American woman earning her PhD in neuroscience at Purdue, Liz Sahagun understands the importance of representation. As her 30th birthday approaches, Liz has found inspiration in the #30Before30 challenge of another woman of color, Theresa Silveyra, and is taking her own challenge on the road to raise funds and change the narrative about who belongs in the outdoors.

Honoring Indigenous People Through Education
Mountaineers Super Volunteer Gabrielle Orsi reflects on the history of the lands we cherish and explores how, as a white person, her own education on Native history has been largely self-directed.

E&I Update: 2020 Actions + New Steering Committee Members
For nearly two years, the Equity & Inclusion Committee has supported our vision to make the outdoors a place that is welcoming to all people. Learn more about what the committee has been working on in 2020, and meet our new committee members.

Climbers of Color: A Partnership to Support More Leaders of Color
Last year, The Mountaineers signed on as fiscal sponsor for Climbers of Color in support of their mission to create more leaders of color in mountaineering.

30 Before 30
In this piece from Mountaineer magazine, we talk to Theresa Silveyra about her plan to climb Wy’east (Mt. Hood) 30 times before turning 30.

Joint Statement on Climbing Route Naming
The American Alpine Club, Appalachian Mountain Club, Colorado Mountain Club, Mazamas, and The Mountaineers join with those speaking out and taking action against racist, sexist, and otherwise derogatory route names, and we welcome the conversation about how best to move forward as a community.

Apply Now: Join Our Equity & Inclusion Committee
At The Mountaineers, we believe a diverse and inclusive outdoors inspires unity, respect, and passion for the places we love. For the last 18 months, our Equity & Inclusion Committee has been overseeing our work to confront our own biases and break down inequitable systems within The Mountaineers. We are currently seeking 3-5 volunteers to join our Equity & Inclusion Committee to continue supporting our vision to make the outdoors a place that is welcoming to all people.

Speaking Up Regarding the Incident in Forks
Like many of you, we were horrified to hear of a terrifying and disturbing incident that occurred on June 3 near Forks on the Olympic Peninsula. The Mountaineers led an effort with partners in the outdoor recreation community to support local condemnation of the events. We believe that everyone has a right to feel welcome and safe outdoors - and we are committed to speaking up when those rights are violated.

Stuck Inside - Youth Edition, Episode 11: Anti-Racism Resources
The youth team presents its eleventh edition of Stuck Inside, a weekly blog featuring ideas and activities for kids of all ages to stay engaged while staying home. This week, we are taking the time to highlight anti-racism resources for youth!

Fighting Racism In The Outdoors
All people should have equal opportunities and access to engage with nature.

3 Simple Steps to Get Started on Your Equity & Inclusion Journey
We’ve heard from a number of our volunteers that it’s hard to know where to start when it comes to equity and inclusion. Here are three steps to help you get started.

My Profile: Pronouns & Optional Demographics
With two additions to the My Profile page, you can now share your pronouns and update your optional demographic information to help Mountaineers staff track our organization's progress and hold us accountable to delivering on our mission and core values.

Where are you REALLY from?
Learn from Mountaineer Katheryn Frierson about the problematic practice of "othering" people by asking the question, "Where are you REALLY from?", and the important historical context behind this racially charged question.

Join Us at the 2019 Refuge Outdoor Festival
Refuge Outdoor Festival is a 3-day outdoor recreation and camping experience geared toward people of color (allies welcome), and we'd like to invite you to participate in Refuge this year on behalf of The Mountaineers.

Equity & Inclusion Working Sessions: Key Learnings
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our July working sessions to discuss inequities in our internal systems and processes. We aspire to offer outdoor opportunities for all, and your feedback outlined in this blog is a critical part of creating equitable solutions.

Equity & Inclusion Working Sessions - July 9 & 15
Join us for a July working session to discuss inequities in our internal systems and processes. We aspire to offer outdoor opportunities for all, and your feedback is a critical part of creating equitable solutions.

Equity & Inclusion Update: Committee Charter, Working Group Sessions, & Resources
Learn about the efforts to help The Mountaineers become a more equitable and inclusive organization. View our committee charter and sign up for a summer listening session.

Plus Size Climbing Harnesses: Resources & Measurements
Climbing is very intimidating, and even more so for plus size people. Check out these wonderful tips by plus size climber Sam Ortiz and say goodbye to worrying about whether or not a harness will fit your body and hello to taking on new challenges and reaching new heights!

Language Matters: Let's Stop Using the Slang Word For Carabiner
Many people use this climbing abbreviation, which seems innocent, but it has a dual meaning that is actually a racial slur.

Equity & Inclusion Update: Meet Our Steering Committee
Learn about the efforts to make The Mountaineers a more equitable and inclusive organization, and meet the volunteers leading this important and uncomfortable work.

Voices Heard | POC-in-Chief: A Legacy Living On
In this piece from Mountaineer magazine, Glenn Nelson discusses the impact President Obama had on public lands, his inspiration for founding the Trail Posse, and his work with the Next 100 Coalition.

Equity & Inclusion Update: Community Feedback and Steering Committee
In November 2018, we hosted a town-hall style meeting to hear from members of our community interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Learn what was discussed, how we're moving forward, and how you can support this work.

Wilderness Risk Management Conference Recap - 2018
In early October, a group of fourteen Mountaineers attended the annual Wilderness Risk Management Conference in Portland, Oregon. We've compiled some takeaways to share with our community!

Introducing a New Affinity Group: Mountain-Queers
Join the Mountain-Queers, a new LGBTQIA+ affinity group of The Mountaineers, to get outside!

Three Days at Refuge Outdoor Festival
In September 2018, Refuge Outdoor Festival, a three-day camping and music event welcoming people of color to "celebrate nature, diversity, and life", was held in Carnation, WA. Hear from Mariko Ching, an attendee and Program Director with Climbers of Color, on her experience.

Volunteers Needed! Recruiting for Inclusion Committee
At The Mountaineers, we believe a diverse and inclusive outdoors inspires unity, respect, and passion for the places we love. As we aspire to offer outdoor opportunities for ALL, we are seeking volunteers to join our Inclusion Committee to determine the best investments to make progress in this important work.

Building A Safe and Respectful Culture
The Mountaineers is committed to building and maintaining a culture where everyone feels safe and respected. Each of us plays an important role in making this goal a reality. To support this goal we have established specific expectations and a transparent process for what to do in the event of a behavior complaint.

Voices Heard | We ARE Outside: Reframing What It Means to Be ‘Outdoorsy’
In this piece from Mountaineer Magazine, Glenn Nelson dissects the misconception that people of color are not in the outdoors and why that false impression is damaging.

1,000 Words: The Worth of a Picture
A former sportswriter and columnist, Glenn Nelson did not anticipate a future as a naturalist photographer. However, on a birding trip to the Samish flats Nelson fell in love with the rejuvenating and inspirational nature of the outdoors- leading him to wildlife photography and the founding of The Trail Posse, a nonprofit advocacy journalism initiative that covers race and equity in the outdoors.