Conservation & Advocacy

Conservation & Advocacy

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The Big Tent in 2014 and Big News from Olympia

There is Big News for outdoor recreation from Olympia! On February 13th Governor Inslee announced the formation of a Blue Ribbon Task Force on Outdoor Recreation in Washington State. Read more…

Encouraging News for the Elwha Restoration Project

We are thrilled to hear that biologists have observed the largest Chinook salmon run since 1992 in the Elwha River and that dam removal is back on schedule. Biologists counted 1,741 adult Chionook and mapped 763 redds (salmon nests) between the mouth of the river and Glines Canyon dam. Of the total salmon counted during the one-day survey, 75% were observed upstream of the former Elwha Dam site. Read more…

Last Chance to Comment on the Sustainable Roads Project

The Forest Service is holding their final public meeting for the Sustainable Roads Project in Everett on November 13 (rescheduled due to government shutdown earlier in October). Read more…

Wild Olympics Bill Introduced

Congressman Norm Dicks and Senator Patty Murray recently introduced the Wild Olympics Wilderness & Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to permanently protect more than 126,500 acres of Olympic National Forest as wilderness and 19 rivers and their major tributaries, a total of 464 river miles, as Wild and Scenic Rivers. If enacted, the legislation would designate the first new wilderness on Olympic National Forest in nearly three decades and the first-ever protected wild and scenic rivers on the Olympic peninsula. Read more…