Seattle Central District


Urban Walk - Seattle Central District

First of four Black History Month night walks through Seattle's Central District to explore the legacy of red-lining and other exclusionary practices in the city. We walk the northern edgc of the CD this evening.

  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 5.2 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 674 ft
  • Pace: 1.5 to 2.0 mph

Meet shortly before 6pm near the bathroom block at Washington Park Playfield, south end of the Arboretum.  Free, off-street parking and bus service nearby on Madison Street.

This up and down urban night walk criss-crosses East Seattle to follow the south central boundary of a large "redlined" district noted in a Kroll 1936 real estate map. These four evening urban walks, each about 2-3 hours, provide transects east to west to east. The walks start in the northern part of the CD and finish later in the month along the southern edge. Route details in the Hello Walker letters. Themes will include housing, religion, immigration, work and  recreation / entertainment.

First class source for redlining is  UW Seattle Civil Rights & Labor History link


Seattle Central District

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Water, snacks, appropriate outerwear, and sturdy shoes.

Headlamps and reflective or bright clothing.

Trip Reports