Urban Adventure - Private Residence
Your family can celebrate the solstice and start the summer off with a campout on private property. Activities will be nature - themed and include a natural science activity, nature crafts, an outdoor skill practice and a campfire cookout. Kids get to stay up late to celebrate the longest day of the year.
- Sat, Jun 21, 2025 — Sun, Jun 22, 2025
- Olympia Youth & Family Activities
- Urban Adventure
- Youth, Families
- Easy
- $4.00 $6.00
- 16 (16 capacity)
- FULL (4 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
Activities will be geared towards children 6-12 years old but all family members are welcome.
Loose Schedule for day 1:
1-2 Arrival and camp set up
2:30-5 2-3 guided nature activities
5- 5:30 Fire building by kids
5:30- 6:30 Campfire dinner, prep and eating
7-8 After dinner activity
8-9 Campfire dessert, storytelling, songs
9 Solstice celebration
You will be setting up camp in a grassy field, bathrooms available in the house, canopies available in case of rain.
Dinner and dessert will be creative campfire meals created by you, ingredients provided.
Campout will be on private property near Elma. Arrive between 1-2 to set up camp. Activities begin at 2:30. There will be breakfast and an activity in the morning before a late morning departure.
Required Equipment
Camping gear including tent, sleeping bag and mats
Night clothes, toiletries, towel if desired
Water bottle and each family needs a first aid kit
Weather appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes for rough forest terrain
Snacks, beverages and breakfast for your family
Headlamps or flashlights
Further information on equipment will be given a week before the camp
If you need camping equipment, please notify us and we can provide you with some or all of your gear.