Nisqually Land Trust


Stewardship Half Day - Mount Rainier Gateway

Join us in removing invasive vinca from Mount Rainier Gateway Reserve.

  • Wed, May 19, 2021
  • Stewardship Partners Committee
  • Stewardship
  • Adults
  • Casual

Join us in removing invasive vinca from Mount Rainier Gateway Reserve. 

This is a 3-hour work party beginning at 10:00 AM and ending at 1:00 PM.

REGISTER HERE to reserve your spot with NLT on Eventbrite and for directions to our work site. If you are looking for stewardship credits, please ALSO register here on the Mountaineers website.  

Work parties are rain or shine! Light, individually pre-packaged snacks are provided. Minors are welcome provided they are accompanied by an adult.

We are still limiting the number of people at our events due to the ongoing pandemic. Please review the COVID Safety Procedures below before registering for the event. If you feel you cannot comply with these guidelines, please do not register to attend this event.

• If you have experienced COVID-19 symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, etc.) or have been in contact with something who has within the last two weeks, or are feeling ill in any way, please stay home.

• Volunteers and staff will maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet at all times.

• Volunteers and staff will wear a mask whenever we are gathered as a group. Once we are spread out and working you may choose to remove your mask, but you must put it back on any time you are interacting with another volunteer or staff member.

• Volunteers will supply their own gloves and masks whenever possible.

• Volunteers must not bring food to share with the group, even if it is an individually-wrapped snack.

• Tools will be sanitized before each work party; volunteers and staff will continue to use the same tool throughout the work party and will not trade with others to prevent cross-contamination.

• Do not carpool to this event, except with people from your household.

If you have questions, please feel free to e-mail Susannah at

Thanks, and we hope to see you soon!

No special skills or experience required. All are welcome. 


Nisqually Land Trust

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

Tools are provided. Please bring your own mask and gloves and dress appropriately for working outside, rain or shine.  

Trip Reports