Hammersley Inlet


Sea Kayak - Hammersley Inlet

Introduction to currents. This session is for those who are comfortable in their boats in flat water and now wanting to do more.

  • Sea Kayak III
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 14.0 nm

I expect this sea kayak trip to have this difficulty and plan to paddle in up to these conditions (view the sea kayak difficulties definitions on our Activity Types, Difficulties & Prerequisites page):

  • Difficulty: SK III
  • Wind:  0-10 kts
  • Waves:  0-1'
  • Currents:  1.5-3+ kts
  • Distance:  TBD by students
  • Pace:  TBD by students
Route and mileage to be determined by participants. Immersion wear required, drysuit preferred.  We will explore how and why water moves the way it does and how you can plan for and take advantage of it. We will practice peel outs, riding some play spots, crossing eddy lines, calculating and executing ferrying angles in the gentle learning environment of beautiful Hammersley Inlet.  

TBA with leader's permission


Hammersley Inlet

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

These seven essentials plus The Ten Essentials are required on all sea kayaking trips.  All but the whistle and clothing should be provided with any kayak rental.

  1. Floatation in both ends of the kayak
  2. U.S. Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
  3. Paddle
  4. Spray skirt
  5. Bilge pump with floatation
  6. Self-rescue paddle float
  7. Waterproof whistle
  8. Appropriate clothing for the conditions encountered seasonally
Trip Reports