Deception Pass


Sea Kayak - Deception Pass

This is an opportunity to take the skills you have learned and practiced on an ebb and in Canoe Pass and test them in a new environment - on a flood off Strawberry Island (and potentially into Canoe Pass

  • Sea Kayak IV
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 6.0 nm
  • Maximum Wind: 15 kts
  • Maximum Waves: 2 ft
  • Maximum Currents: 5.2 kts

Priority for this trip was given to those from the previously canceled 2/1 trip.

There will be playing in current, eddy hopping, and ferrying - and opportunities for roll and rescue (self and assisted) practice!

This is not a class, but there will be support (and some coaching available). 
This is a great opportunity for IKC students.

The plan:

  • 8:45 AM: We'll meet at the Cornet Bay Boat Ramp.
  • 9:45 AM: Beach talk and launch, heading to the north side of Strawberry Island, Depending on the current and conditions, we may head into Canoe Pass before heading to Strawberry Island)

    TTF (end of slack) is predicted to be 10:27 AM. This should give us time to get to Strawberry without working against the current depending on time on the beach.

The plan will be fluid!

  • We'll play in the current (max flood is 5.2 knots at 1:08 PM) until we're tired and then hit the beach for a snack lunch.
  • After lunch we can play some more, eddy hop into Canoe Pass, or head back based on how the group feels. 
  • We'll plan to be back at Cornet by 3:30 PM 


  • Bring lunch and snacks
  • Helmet and immersion gear are mandatory

We'll meet at the Cornet Bay Boat Ramp at 8:45 AM


Deception Pass

  • Sea Trails Deception Pass and Skagit Bay WA101

    NOAA Bellingham to Everett No. 18423

    NOAA Anacortes to Skagit Bay No. 18427
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Sea kayak essentials

Standard Kayak Equipment Plus:

  • Helmet
  • Immersion Gear
  • Spare Clothing
  • Tow rope (if you have one)

Leaders and assistants please also bring VHF radio.

 plus The Ten Essentials are required on all sea kayaking trips. 

Trip Reports