Cougar Mountain: Red Town Trailhead


Frontcountry Trail Run - Wildside Trail—De Leo Wall

Get in shape for ski season trail run series.

  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • Mileage: 4.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 600 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 1,100 ft
  • Pace: 15 min / mile -- walk up hills

Easy going trail run intended for ski tourer's getting in shape for ski season.   However all are welcome.   Route starts with a little hill, which we will walk up. Then the next mile and half are flatish so we will jog along to get nicely warmed up,  we then climb 400 feet in a half mile,  walking or jogging -- we will regroup at all trail intersections.    The return portion of the run is down, rolling and flat.   We will take it easy on the two steeper downhills.

Please arrive @ 7:15AM and be ready to run @7:30AM


Cougar Mountain: Red Town Trailhead

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports