Golden Gardens


Frontcountry Trail Run - Golden Gardens

*MORNING* sustainability conditioning workout. Join us for a morning conditioning run at Golden Gardens. We will be doing a tempo run on the upper trails.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 5.0
  • Elevation Gain: 200 ft

We will be doing a tempo run. In theory everyone should be going roughly their own 5k-10k-Half-Full pace, or base their pace on their HR, but we can do a group run at about 8-9min pace if folks want to stick together.

For a tempo run, you should be a going a slightly uncomfortable pace that is just beyond conversational pace. 


  1. Warmup (~1 mile)
  2. 3-5 Running Drills (stride focused)
  3. 1  loop at an easy pace, we'll discuss what people want
  4. ~20min tempo run
  5. (Optional) Cooldown to Sunset Hill Park (~1.5 miles)

Gaia Route of Loop

The loop is pretty versatile and can be anywhere from 1-1.5 miles and can have a decent amount of terrain variance. We may cut out the street crossing based on people's comfort level. We should complete about 2-3 loops during the tempo exercise.

Conditioning workouts take anywhere from 1-1.5h.  We will never be more than a half mile away from the cars, so you do not need a running pack unless you want to wear it for training.

There are bathrooms and water fountains at the park.

We will meet at 6:30am at the south side of the Bath House.

Address: 8498 Seaview Pl NW, Seattle, WA 98117


Golden Gardens

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports