Palouse to Cascades Trail


Cross-country Ski - Palouse to Cascades Trail

Early morning Skate ski to get hump day started right. For Skaters Only. We are aiming for a 1 to 1 1/2 hour trip.

  • G-XC 2 Advanced Beginner Groomed
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 10.0 mi

From Lot #5 we will take the Crystal Dog Trail 1 mile to Palouse To Cascade Trail, from there head west on P2C to our turnaround point at the avalanche kiosk. Total one way mileage is roughly 5 miles, all on well groomed trail. Then reverse course to return. The return is ever so slightly downhill, especially the final mile. Return time should be quicker. 

Our goals are to get some V2 and V2 Alternate practice in, get some fresh air and exercise outside, and be supportive of and encourage each other along the way.  Another goal is to get back to Seattle by 11:00. 

8:00AM, Crystal Springs Lot #5, at Crystal Dog Trail trailhead.  Our turnaround time will be 9:00.  The aim is to get back to the cars by 9:45. 


Palouse to Cascades Trail

  • Green Trails Rattlesnake Mtn No. 205S

    Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass Gateway No. 207S

    Green Trails Mount Si NRCA No. 206S
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Skate Poles & Boots
  • Waistpack, water
  • Energy gummies recommended  
Trip Reports