Basic Rock Climb - Ingalls Peak/South Ridge


Basic Rock Climb - Ingalls Peak/South Ridge

A beautiful Fall Ingalls Climb with a TWIST - read on

  • Sat, Sep 13, 2025
  • Seattle Climbing
  • Climbing
  • Basic Alpine
  • Adults
  • Basic Rock Climb, Technical 3, Strenuous 3
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 9.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,500 ft
  • Maximum Currents: 25 kts
  • Pace: 3.21 Km/h

OK here is the twist-
I am trying to save my legs for more climbs; to accomplish that, I will need to lighten my pack weight.   This means that if you want to be added to this climb, you need to agree to carry part of my climbing rack.  For a free burger after the climb, you could take my whole rack (about 7.5 lbs.).
This whole thing might sound odd, but it is what it is.  Please read on....

This climb is totally weather dependent!

We will do the scramble variation instead of the first pitch (and probably scramble the second),  you need to be comfortable with some unroped exposed T5 scrambling.  We will also be doing the 5.6 variation (not the regular Basic route).

Speed and efficiency is Safety in the mountains. Be ready to move accordingly.

Please request leader permission via the Mountaineers site. Direct e-mails will be ignored.
List what Volunteering you have done for the Mountaineers, then your conditioning,  and any other pertinent information.


So that we’re all on the same page, your participation on this trip implies acceptance of the following – You will be an engaged and contributing teammate to the discussion, decisions, and actions going forward.  You will KNOW the approach, the route, and variations of each. 

  • When asking for permission put the "Max. currents" listed in the information above in the email - or request will be ignored

Esmeralda Basin Trailhead at 6:00 a.m.

Feet on the trails at 6:11 a.m.


Ingalls Peak/South Ridge

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports