Tamanos Mountain, Governors Ridge, Barrier Peak & Buell Peak


Alpine Scramble - Tamanos Mountain

A classic Smoot and Rainier 100 peak.

  • Strenuous 3, Technical 2
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 10.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,200 ft

Owhyhigh Lakes Trailhead at 7:30am

Feel free to sign up if you 

  1. Have recent hikes or scrambles with at least 3,000 ft of gain
  2. Are comfortable and experienced traveling on T2 terrain
  3. Enjoy scrambling at a “climber-conversational” pace that is efficient but comfortable for all participants (typically 2mph or 1,000ft/hr).
  4. Will actively contribute to navigation and decision making. 

 Trip will be rescheduled or canceled if there’s unsafe air quality or moderate/heavy rain.


Tamanos Mountain, Governors Ridge, Barrier Peak & Buell Peak

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports