Silver, Tinkham & Abiel Peaks


Alpine Scramble - Silver Lining

A gorgeous, short rock and snow scramble near Snoqualmie Pass. We will spend considerable time practicing self-arrest skills. Perfect for students and for scramblers wanting to refresh their snow skills.

  • Strenuous 3, Technical 3
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 4.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,700 ft
  • Pace: instructional

We will scramble up the western side of the basin to Silver Lining. We will then don our rain gear and spend about two hours (or more) practicing self-arrest skills. We will then eat our lunch and  scramble to the peak.

Tibbetts Valley Skate Park in Issaquah, 7:00 am. (Alternatively,  you can meet us in North Bend or at the trailhead if you arrange that with me in advance. )


Silver, Tinkham & Abiel Peaks

  • USGS Snoqualmie Pass

    USGS Lost Lake

    Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass No. 207

    Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass Gateway No. 207S
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports