Naches, Yakima & Seymour Peaks


Alpine Scramble - Naches & Tahtlum Peaks

Try for a Rainier 100 Triple: Naches, Tahtlum and Seymour Peaks!

  • Technical 5, Strenuous 3
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 6.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,500 ft
  • Pace: 1.0-1.5 mph

Click [MORE+] to read ALL notes before requesting permission!

  • I am recovering from an ankle fracture. My current pace is about 40-50% slower than you might remember if you've been out with me before. If you thought my old pace was perfect or too slow, this is probably not the trip for you!
  • Expect a long day (8-10 hours).
  • The priority for these is Tahtlum, Naches then Seymour, dependent on how my ankle does. We were successful in our last 3-summit loop though.
  • Tahtlum and Seymour are moderate scrambles but Naches has a T5 summit block. You should have relevant T5 scrambling experience when requesting permission.
  • In your permission request please include comparable multi-summit days you have completed and the most exposed scrambling you've done.

Naches Peak Loop parking area near Chinook Pass. Northwest Forest or National Parks pass required. No timed entry required.


Naches, Yakima & Seymour Peaks

  • USGS Chinook Pass

    Trails Illustrated Mount Rainier National Park

    Green Trails Mount Rainier Wonderland No. 269SX
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports